Bowing to the divine | Thirukkural 2

Bowing to the divine | Thirukkural 2

கற்றதனால் ஆய பயனென்கொல் வாலறிவன்

நற்றாள் தொழாஅர் எனின்.

Kaṟṟadhanāl āya payanenkol vāḷaṟivan
Naṟṟāḷ thoḻāar enin.

Thirukkural 2 Video


What is the use of a learned man’s knowledge If he doesn’t worship the good feet of the one who is devoid of desires?


This couplet asks what is the benefit of a person’s education if they do not bow to the feet of God, who is free from desires. Thiruvalluvar suggests that the ultimate purpose of knowledge is to lead one towards a divine or higher spiritual path, acknowledging and revering a supreme power that is beyond worldly desires. The “good feet” is a metaphor for the divine presence or God, and the act of worshipping at these feet symbolizes humility and the recognition of a greater universal truth beyond the material world.

It reflects the idea that knowledge should cultivate humility and devotion, and that true wisdom comes from the recognition of and respect for the divine.
